Github Actions [Update]!
NOTE: Thanks @HugoGresse for giving feedback on my first post, it eventually led to this one! I owe you one
Well, since September 2019, the old Github Actions Workflow HCL syntax is not relevant anymore, so my previous blog post is deprecated.
Here is how I migrated to the new richer YAML syntax.
There is documentation available.
This is the current workflow for this blog:
workflow "Build, and Test on push" {
on = "push"
resolves = [
"Send Push Notification",
"Build Blog",
"Cypress E2E Tests"
action "Clean Install" {
uses = "actions/npm@master"
args = "ci"
action "Build Blog" {
uses = "actions/npm@master"
needs = ["Clean Install"]
args = "run build"
action "Cypress E2E Tests" {
uses = "bartlett705/npm-cy@master"
needs = ["Clean Install"]
args = "test"
action "Send Push Notification" {
uses = "techulus/push-github-action@master"
secrets = ["API_KEY"]
needs = ["Build Blog"]
env = {
MESSAGE = " updated by Github Actions pipeline!"
I created a new workflow directly from the Actions tab on Github. Things are even more easy than before, I choose a NodeJS starter workflow and adapted it to match my previous workflow.
Secrets are still accessible. Remember? they are defined in your Settings / Secrets section. You can then inject them in your Environment variables, f.ex.: ${{ secrets.API_KEY }}
It seems the Cypress action does not work anymore so I just used the default one.
Let’s see if it’ll work…
The new file will be:
name: Node CI
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
node-version: [8.x, 10.x, 12.x]
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- name: npm install, build, and test
run: |
npm ci
npm run build --if-present
npm test
CI: true
- name: Send Push Notification
uses: techulus/push-github-action@master
MESSAGE: " updated by Github Actions pipeline!"
API_KEY: ${{ secrets.API_KEY }}
I just pushed this on a Pull Request.
Wow, nice, now there are checks in the Pull Request:
![checks in the Pull Request](/ghactions-update-pr-checks.jpg)
And you can see in a dedicated Checks tab:
![Checks tab](/ghactions-update-checks-tab.jpg)
Now, it is running…
![Cypress tests running](/ghactions-update-cyrunning.jpg)
And, luckily, everything went green! No more need for a dedicated Cypress action, it works out of the box!
![Cypress tests green](/ghactions-update-cyrunok.jpg)
This migration was quick!
In this post we’ve seen quickly how I migrated my old workflow to the new Github YAML format.
It was a short post because it was really easy to implement. I hope you found it interesting!
If you have any questions or feedback, or just want to say hi or thank you, my DMs are open on Twitter!