GitHub Discussions as Comments Section

Adding a comment section powered by GitHub Discussions
In this blog’s original TODO list of features, there was:
TODO: Add a comment section using Github issues
In fact, from the beginning, I wanted a nice and nerdy way to interact with you; to give you some way to give feedback to this blog.
I first found Utterances which is a GitHub App that will map Github Issues into a comment section for each blog post or webpage.
After looking at existing blogs, and learning about Github Discussions, there seemed to be even better thant using GitHub Issues!
Indeed, Giscus is like but uses Github Discussions.
I also wanted to add Emoji reactions à la Github, and I’ll get exactly that using this awesome App!
Enable GitHub Discussions
So, I enabled Discussions on this blog’s GitHub repository, then I followed the instructions on .
Well… it did not work first time on my development setup: I had to git push
a commit to enable localhost:*
I found in the Advanced Giscus documentation, that you can add a giscus.json
file in your repository to add more customised options:
"origins": [""],
"originsRegex": ["http://localhost:[0-9]+"]
In my case, I configured on the Giscus App page to match a blog post with a GH Discussion using pathname
, so I think Giscus will create topics for each origin, be it http://localhost:3000 or
Oh, yeah I tried using @giscus/svelte
component, but it did not work.
Svelte onMount
To make the script work, I had to re-use a technique last used for Twitter integration, using Svelte’s onMount
to inject a <script>
The contents come from the Giscus App web page script: just change the values to match your repo, repo-id, etc.
import {onMount} from 'svelte';
onMount(() => {
const child = document.createElement('script');
child.async = 'async';
child.src = ""
child.setAttribute('data-repo', "doppelganger9/blog");
child.setAttribute('data-repo-id', "xxxxxxxx");
child.setAttribute('data-category', "Post comments");
child.setAttribute('data-category-id', "xxxxxxxxx");
child.setAttribute('data-mapping', "pathname");
child.setAttribute('data-reactions-enabled', "1");
child.setAttribute('data-emit-metadata', "0");
child.setAttribute('data-theme', "light");
child.setAttribute('data-lang', "en");
child.setAttribute('crossorigin', "anonymous");
const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
Try it below (I hope it will work this time